How To Take a Nice Pictures on Your Phone


Taking nice pictures on your phone, Will help you be a pro in no time following these 10 tips. You have to move to your left there is a series of articles that can help you in a variety of photographic situations. No matter how your photographic journey unfolds, take plenty of time to enjoy the view.

Here are tips to Guide you on how to take nice pictures.

It’s All About the Light

It’s true.
Because it will help make a nice picture. Check out the shadows that the sun makes on subjects. Notice the reflective light off buildings. Practice during the ‘golden hour,’ the period of time shortly after sunrise or just prior to sunset. And watch how the light from a window falls inside a room at different moments.
The smartphone is not the greatest in low light situations. It’s best to capitalize on lighting conditions your device functions under best.


Zoom With Your Feet

Do not ever use the zoom on your smartphone.
This the first step for taking a bad picture. And if you want to zoom on the object you are taking, you have to use your legs and move it. We all know there is a technical mumbo jumbo but all you need to know is that the zoom on mobile devices is never good.

Shake Hands, Not Your Phone

We all know camera shakes when taking pictures is very overlooked even on the large cameras. And the key to making it perfect is how to hold your phone. You have to hold it horizontal at all times instead of vertical. Burst mode when taking a nice pictures or moving an object, give it a wider frame.

Know what you will use for your shutter (either the button assigned, a software shutter button, a tripod, and timer, or the volume on your headphones). And this idea is to get you to a place where you take clear images with no camera shake. You’ll be happy with the result.


It’s All About the Angles

Change your perspective on things. We recently had a student whose friend told her that changing angles on a shot is not the best practice for getting a great shot.
I beg to differ. I think changing your angles and your perspective not only gets you a better shot, but it also shows how you see the subject.
So get down on the ground, climb up on a high vantage point, move to the side and change your point of view. Try as many different angles on your subject as possible.


Mobile photography is awesome because of the thousands of apps that are dedicated to the camera on smartphones.
The app is incredibly helpful in editing your work. While you can’t correct problems like bad lighting, you can improve other details to make a subject look acne-free, sharpen specific aspects of an image or let you add interesting text or other effects over the photo.
Find your favorite, learn to use it well, and you can take your already awesome image onto the next level.

A Clean Glass Is a Happy Glass

It’s a simple rule of thumb. Clean the glass on your lens. Much like when you have a dirty windshield, cleaning it can give you sharper view and improve results.
A shot with a clean lens is always going to be better than a shot with your greasy thumbprint.


Quality For Taking Nice Pictures

Don’t be afraid to take another shot. And snap away at anything and everything that suits your fancy.
The important thing here is that the more photos you shoot, the more comfortable you will get and the more you will determine the direction you’d like to take your mobile photography.
The only thing holding you back is how much storage is on your phone and how long your battery can last.

Mirror, Mirror… Who’s the Fairest?

Here’s one of my favorite tips: Mirrors, glasses, puddles, and bodies of water, smooth and shiny surfaces all make for awesome reflections.
Push yourself to look for reflective surfaces and place your subjects at angles or in direct comparison to the reflection. Even simple shades of light can make amazing reflections.
It’s just fun, try it out.

Have Fun When Taking Nice Pictures


This is the last and really the only rule that you should stick to.  If you don’t listen to anything I’ve given you here, “Have Fun” is the one rule that you have to promise me you will use when getting into mobile photography.
Join in photo walks held by other photographers and communities in your area.  It’s always fun when you do it with others who are learning and enjoying the art.
