Top 10 Uncommon Travel Destinations in the World


From tourist centers to amazing travel destinations, the world is filled with beautiful and amazing travel destinations. There are also places that are so unreal and uncommon that you wouldn’t believe they exist. In this article, we would be looking at some of the top 10 uncommon travel destinations in the world.

People tend to be drawn to beauty and splendor, but there are some cases whereby you just to explore the unknown. The places we would be listing in this article are not very common but are also considered to be great travel destinations for tourists around the globe.

10 uncommon travel destinations in the world

  • Blood Falls
  • Lake Natron
  • Spotted Lake Khiluk
  • Slope Point
  • Underwater Park
  • Crooked Forest
  • Dead Sea
  • Lake Retba
  • Tunnel of Love
  • Jellyfish Lake

Blood Falls

Blood Falls is located in Antarctica where people from around the globe go to experience the Red Water flow. The water found in the Blood Falls is red which is due to the high amount of oxidized iron.

This is such a fascinating sight to behold. People from around the globe consider this to be one of the best yet uncommon/mysterious travel destinations in the world. The best time to visit such a place is around November/December.

Lake Natron

Lake Natron is considered to be one of the most bizarre travel destinations in the world. If you are looking for a scary lake, this should send chills right to your bones. It is located in Tanzania.


It is known that animals and wildlife that die in this lake are turned into statutes through what is called calcification. This is the presence of a huge amount of sodium bicarbonate which solidifies the bodies of these animals.

Spotted Lake Khiluk

The Spotted Lake Khiluk happens to look more like many small pods of the lake, with over 300 spots. It is said to contain minerals that can cure different ailments (not medically proven yet).

The Spotted Lake Khiluk is located Northwest of Osoyoos, British Columbia.

Slope Point

Located in New Zealand, this destination is a forest reserve that comprises tall and scary trees. These trees have been twisted due to the intense winds and gusts of air, not to mention the rugged cliffs and mountains surrounding the area.

If you want to visit this place, the best time to go would be around December to February. The surroundings have been known to be used for farming.

Underwater Park

This category of uncommon destinations around the globe cannot be easily accessible due to the nature of the place. The underwater park exactly has its sounds “underwater”. The park which is located underwater is considered to be a tourist destination for divers.

It is located in Austria and is considered to be one of the most beautiful lakes in Austria.

Crooked Forest

Crooked Forest is one of the rarest among the bunch. Very few people visit this region. It is located in Poland.

In a forest that has some normal-looking trees, there are also some curved trees whose states cannot be explained. It is considered to be one of the strangest destinations in Poland.

If you are thinking of visiting this destination, the best time would be around March or April.

Dead Sea

The ocean is considered to have a level of salt concentration in it, but nothing compared to this. The Dead Sea has a very high amount of salt which is 10 more than that of the ocean.

It has so much salt that object in the sea is said to float. So if you can’t swim, don’t bother, the Dead Sea would keep you afloat.

You are advised though not to open your eyes under the water because it could sting pretty badly. It is located in Jordan.

Lake Retba

Lake Retba is pink in nature. If you have never seen a pink lake before, this could very well be your opportunity.

Due to the Dunaliella salina algae in the water hence the pink color. It is also known to have a high salt content. So when swimming it is advisable to wear goggles. Lake Retba is located in Senegal.

Tunnel of Love

One of the chosen travel destinations for couples around the globe. The tunnel of love is located in Ukraine and it has such beautiful scenery.

If you are looking for a place to surprise your spouse or loved one, this could be the best destination for you.

Jellyfish Lake

Located in Palau, there are over 70 marine lakes in the area. The jellyfish lake is considered to have the highest number of jellyfish in its lake.


This lake was previously closed down in 2012 but has soon been opened back up to the public. I want to visit this location, the best time would be between November and February.
