Steps to use Facebook Audience Insights to Track and Run Powerful Advert


You will see Facebook Audience Insights inside Facebook Ads Manager. also meaning that only business operators can access Audience Insights.

If you don’t have your business set up on Facebook yet, you’ll need to create your business page before you dive into these steps.



Select the Facebook audience you want insights for

Open the Audience Insights dashboard.

If you have more than one ad account, choose which the one you would like insights for from the drop-down menu at the top right.

Select if you to want insights about the total Facebook audience, or concerning people already connected to your page. If you previously created any custom audiences for your Facebook ad campaigns, you’ll also see an option to get insights about those users.


Build your target  Facebook audience demographics

The Audience Insights dashboard has two sections. at the left column, you then select the audience characteristics to meet up to. The top right side of the page shows charts and graphs about everyone using Facebook.

graphs and charts related to your audience, including how it compares to the overall audience of Every time you make a selection to refine your audience, the graphs and percentages on the top right-hand side the screen update automatically, you can always see how your choices reflect the audience available.

Discover what your  Facebook audience likes

After you’ve selected your demographics and learned some vital intel concerning the makeup of your target audience, tap over to the Page Likes tab.

There you can learn more about the things people in your selected audience already like on Facebook.

know your language and location


You can also see what languages are most common among your audience. While English is the most common language among Britain 13 percent of the potential market speaks French. It may be worth creating French ads, which you can choose to show only to French-speaking Facebook users.


when you are selling an online product or rendering a service, your major geographic target should be worldwide.

In the Location tab, you can see where most of your potential fans live, and what languages they speak.

Target your Audience with an Ad


when your builtin Audience Insights is more than one thousand, you can use it as the target audience. By Clicking Open in the top navigation bar, then select the audience you want to target. Then, click the green Create Ad button to place an ad targeted to this specific group.
